
Showing posts from July, 2023

Welcome: What is the Flying Jumpstart?

Welcome to the Flying Jumpstart and we are here to solve a problem, the high cost of earning a pilots license, called a Private Pilot certificate. More than just the cost, our mission is to crack the code on the 80% drop-out rate, you read that correctly 80%, by positioning aspiring pilots for success. Can you relate to one of these quotes?  I would love to earn a pilots license, but it's so expensive.  Between the time and money, I just don't see becoming a pilot is possible. I don't have the time to learn all of that material, much less the hands-on flying lessons. If this describes you you are not alone, as a long time flight instructor it's frustrating to teach someone for several months to see them ultimately drop-out. Most point to money and time as reasons for quitting lessons, however, I see that the shear volume and complexity of material is another unspoken reason. The good news is that it really doesn't have to be this way, there is a better way to learn.