Welcome: What is the Flying Jumpstart?

Welcome to the Flying Jumpstart and we are here to solve a problem, the high cost of earning a pilots license, called a Private Pilot certificate. More than just the cost, our mission is to crack the code on the 80% drop-out rate, you read that correctly 80%, by positioning aspiring pilots for success. Can you relate to one of these quotes? 

  • I would love to earn a pilots license, but it's so expensive. 
  • Between the time and money, I just don't see becoming a pilot is possible.
  • I don't have the time to learn all of that material, much less the hands-on flying lessons.
If this describes you you are not alone, as a long time flight instructor it's frustrating to teach someone for several months to see them ultimately drop-out. Most point to money and time as reasons for quitting lessons, however, I see that the shear volume and complexity of material is another unspoken reason. The good news is that it really doesn't have to be this way, there is a better way to learn. 

We are going to give aspiring pilots, no matter what age, gender, or challenges, the tools to successfully learn to fly from the convenience of your home by giving you a Flying Jumpstart where we will give you:

  • Proven ways to save money on flight training.
  • How to save time on flight training by being prepared, ahead of time, before stepping foot in a training aircraft.
  • How to use flight simulator for maximum learning.
  • Surrounding yourself with a positive group of aspiring pilots.
  • Lead by real FAA certified flight and ground instructors that have years of experience training pilots. 
So sit back, relax, and get ready for an amazing journey!

TC Freeman, Flight Instructor
tc at tcfreeman.com

Copyright 2023 Flying Jumpstart (TC Freeman)
